7 Easy & Effective Tips to Fighting Sugar Cravings

We all get cravings every once in a while, especially if you have a sweet tooth. When that craving hits, it can feel almost impossible not to cave in and indulge. Regularly reaching for that sweet treat can derail your progress and lead to unhealthy habits and weight gain. However, it’s more than okay to treat yourself sometimes! It’s actually healthy in moderation. With that said, it’s important to find your balance and figure out what works for you! Here are my 7 favorite tips and tricks to help you kick those cravings to the curb.

1. Drink Water and Wait

Drinking water is a vital key to help control sugar cravings. The hypothalamus is the part of your brain that controls the sensation of thirst and hunger. When you’re even just a little dehydrated, the hypothalamus triggers thirst and can also trigger hunger. Unfortunately, it’s easy to mistake thirst for hunger, which can lead us to reaching for something to munch on instead of replenishing your body with the water it needs.

Drinking water is one of the easiest and best ways to keep those cravings in check! When that craving sneaks up on you, try chugging a big glass of water and wait about 20 minutes. I recommend drinking at least 64oz of water a day, if not more. Beside helping you fight that sweet tooth, there are many reasons why drinking water is important:

  • Regulates your body temperature

  • Protects tissues, spinal cord, and joints

  • Helps flush toxins

  • Helps maximize physical performance

  • Helps create saliva which fights harmful bacteria

  • Aids in digestion

  • Helps prevent constipation

  • Helps in nutrient absorption

  • Helps you lose weight

  • Improves blood oxygen circulation

  • Helps fight off illness

  • Helps boost energy

  • Aids in cognitive function

  • Helps improve mood

  • Helps keep skin bright

  • Prevents overall dehydration

2. Reach For Fruit

Fruit not only gives you plenty of fiber and nutrients, but the sweetness of most fruit may also help satisfy that craving. This way you’re basically “killing two birds with one stone” by nourishing your body while enjoying something sweet. In general, eating a diet filled with fruit has amazing benefits!

  • Excellent source of vitamins and minerals

  • Lots and lots of Fiber

  • Protects against can cancer and other diseases

If you liked my first two tips, then why not combine them both? I have the perfect thing for you! My Detox Waters ebook has delicious, healthy recipes to help you add more flavor and nutrients to your water! CLICK HERE to get it now.

3. Eat Regularly

It’s important to eat around every 3-5 hours to help keep your blood sugar stable and help avoid impulsive eating. Waiting too long between meals could have you reaching for something fast and unhealthy. 

In general, eating a well balanced diet helps us maintain sustainable energy, fight off illness, and boost our mental and physical health. My MetaBoost Connection program is filled with delicious recipes, along with a 10-day meal plan designed to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs for optimal health!

CLICK HERE here to find out more for FREE!

4. Combine Foods

If the idea of just having fruit or nuts isn’t enough, and eating a bar of chocolate is too much… combine them! There are tons of delicious salty-sweet combinations that are also healthy. With that said, not all chocolate is bad for you. Choose the right kind and it can actually be GOOD for you, in moderation of course. I recommend finding goodies made from 70% or higher cacao (not cocoa). Here are a few sweet ideas:

  • Fruit dipped in chocolate

  • Trail mix with chocolate chips

  • Almonds and craisins with no added sugar

  • Greek yogurt with berries and a drizzle of honey

  • Dates stuffed with nut butter 

CLICK HERE for my Savory Stuffed Dates recipe for FREE!

If you’re looking for even more than just a healthy sweet snack, I’ve got you covered! CLICK HERE to get 11 Belly Shrinking Superfood Desserts for FREE! These recipes can flip on your “Metaswitch” and help you burn more fat.

5. Be Prepared

Stock up on those healthy sweet options so you can easily reach for those instead of the cookie jar. These foods will not only curb your craving but also benefit your overall well-being now and in the long run. Other options only give you a moment of pleasure but won’t make you feel your best.

6. Redirect Your Focus

Basically, distract yourself! If you’re just thinking about that sweet you shouldn’t eat, then that’s the direction you’re most likely going to go. Try shifting your focus to something that makes you happy or feel productive, like taking a walk or practicing yoga. CLICK HERE for a FREE 1 minute Yoga Workout!

7. Move Your Body

This isn’t just a great way to distract yourself and improve your physical and mental health - Mild exercise can help trigger metabolic processes that make more blood sugar available to the brain, which in turn reduces the craving for sugary foods. 

In general, exercising regularly is linked to making overall better food choices and many other wonderful benefits. My One and Done program can help you achieve your fitness goals with just 7 minutes a day. Watch this FREE video on how 7 minutes can change your life!


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