Essential Guidelines For Working From Home

Since the pandemic there has been a high rise in working remotely. There are many benefits in being able to work from the comfort of your own home, but it also has its challenges. The way you conduct yourself during this time is crucial to your productivity and health. Here are some essential pointers to help you get the most out of your day!

Maintain regular work hours (most of the time)

Sticking to a schedule and having those clear guidelines of when to work and when to clock out, can really help maintain a healthy work-life balance. This is a way of setting boundaries with yourself! Pretend you’re going to and leaving work. You may not be able to do that physically, but you can absolutely do it mentally.

Start & end your day with a routine

Your morning routine involves the steps leading up to work. This helps initiate a “ready to take the day” mindset and sets you up for success. Your nighttime routine involves helping you prepare for the next day. Think about what you need to get done and the best order to do them for optimal time management.

Example morning routine: Wake up, brush your teeth, wash your face, drink 8oz of water, change into fitness clothes, do a 7-minute One and Done workout (link below for more info!), drink another 8 oz glasses of water, shower, get dressed for the day, make and enjoy breakfast, review your to-do list, clock in and slay the day!

Watch this FREE video on how doing this simple 7 minute routine in the morning or evening can change your life and transform your body!

Example nighttime routine: Turn off or put away your electronics for the night, pick out an outfit for tomorrow, take a warm bath or shower, do your skin care routine, stretch for 10 minutes, climb into bed, journal about your day and how you felt, turn of the lights and get at least 7-9 hours of sleep! 

Click here for a FREE simple stress relieving yoga flow to end your day with!

Set boundaries with the people in your space

Some of us have roommates, spouses, and/or children that work or do school from home. It’s important to set some ground rules and negotiate quiet times, meeting times, and any shared equipment, like desks and chairs.

Schedule breaks & take them!

If you work for an organization, know the policy on break times. If you're self-employed, give yourself enough time during the day to step away from the computer screen and phone. Even if it's just for a few minutes. Most people who work from home are sitting the majority of the time. Sitting for large amounts of time can be physically demanding. Get up and stretch at least once every hour. This also gives your eyes a break from the screens. Keep your health in mind and utilize this time!

Too busy to get away? No problem! Take a break to be active without even leaving your desk! Try this seated yoga stretch for FREE! Click here.

Take care of your health. Exercise and eat nutritious foods!

Working from home usually entails sitting most of the time. It’s important to stay active and work on your physical health. Our physical health is connected to and affects our mental health as well.

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Leave the house

When you can, get out that door! If it’s possible to take your work with you, try making your way to a nice, quiet cafe or library. It’s easy to get a bit stir crazy when you’re in the same space day and night. A change in scenery might do good for you! If you’re unable to work in another location, another way to utilize those breaks I just spoke to you about is going for a walk or sitting outside in the sun for 15-20 minutes. There has been an increase in vitamin D deficiency in adults that work from home. Make sure you're providing your body with all the nutrients it needs for optimal health!

Keep a dedicated office area

Working in the same place that you also live in can create stagnation. Create a space that is dedicated to your work time. Even if you don’t have a spare room that you can claim as an office space, find an area of your home that has minimal distractions and comfortable seating. I do not recommend the couch! Not only is that space meant for leisure time, but it’s also not the best place for proper posture and hours of seating.

Socialize with your colleagues

You normally do this at work so why not from home? It’s not uncommon to chat and make friends with your co-workers, you learn about each other's lives and care! Go ahead, take a second to video chat and catch up! It’s good for morale and allows for healthy workplace connections.

Take advantage of the perks

Working from home has many benefits! Take advantage. For example, the normally spent commuting can be put towards that morning routine I touched on earlier. Try meditating, stretching, exercising, take the dog on an extra long walk, go over your to-do list for the day, water your plants, or make a big, healthy breakfast. Another advantage of working from home is having a full kitchen. This is a great opportunity to save money on food and eat healthy.

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