The Importance of Posture - More Than Just Looks!!!

I’m sure you’ve heard this timeless advice a million times growing up and throughout your adult life - “Stand up straight”, “Fix your posture”, “Don’t slouch”. There’s a pretty good reason why. Maintaining good posture doesn’t just make you look taller and more elegant, it also affects your long-term health. Someone with consistently poor posture can experience neck, shoulder, and back pain, low circulation, decreased flexibility, lack of balance, digestive problems, misalignment of the spine, joint degeneration, and improper lung function (making it harder to breathe).

According to MedlinePlus, “Posture is how you hold your body. There are two types: Dynamic posture is how you hold yourself when you are moving, like when you are walking, running, or bending over to pick up something. Static posture is how you hold yourself when you are not moving, like when you are sitting, standing, or sleeping. The key to posture is the position of your spine. Your spine has 3 natural curves - at your neck, mid back, and low back. Correct posture should maintain these curves, but not increase them. Your head should be above your shoulders, and the top of your shoulder should be over the hips” It is crucial to pay attention to both and make sure you have good dynamic and static posture.

How does maintaining good posture benefit me?

  • Reduced low back pain

  • Fewer headaches

  • Increased energy levels

  • Less tension in your neck and shoulders

  • Decreased risk of abnormal wearing of the joint surfaces

  • Increased lung capacity

  • Improved circulation and digestion

  • Reduced TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain

  • Improved core and scapular strength

  • Better form during your workouts

  • Appear taller

  • Increased self-confidence

If you’re looking to improve your posture and spine health, I have an entire system designated for just that! My Back Renewal System is designed to give you all the tools you need to eliminate back pain and improve your core strength in just a couple minutes a day! CLICK HERE to watch a FREE presentation for more information on how you can soothe your back pain fast! 

How can I improve my posture in general?

  • Be mindful of your posture during everyday activities, like cleaning, cooking, driving, watching television, or walking

  • Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes - high heels and other tight, uncomfortable shoes put more stress on your muscles and can harm your posture.

  • Make sure work surfaces are at a comfortable height for you, whether you're sitting at a desk, making dinner, or eating a meal make sure your body can remain in a proper position. 

  • Stay active! - Most kinds of exercise may help improve your posture, but specific types of exercises can be especially helpful, such as yoga, tai chi, and other classes that focus on body awareness. Try this FREE 1 minute Posture Saving Yoga Workout! It is also important to incorporate exercises that strengthen your core. Don’t know how? Look no further! Get your FREE 1 minute Abs Workout now!

  • Maintain a healthy weight - extra weight can weaken your abdominal muscles, cause problems for your pelvis and spine, and contribute to low back pain, all of which can negatively affect your posture. Need a place to start? My 10-day Green Smoothie Detox is a great way to cleanse your body of harmful toxins and kick start that weight loss. CLICK HERE to get started!

How can I improve my posture when sitting?

Many people spend a great deal of their time sitting at home, work, or school. It is important to sit properly and take frequent breaks.

  • Use ergonomic furniture - furniture that has been designed to support function and comfort for human use

  • Switch sitting positions often

  • Take a walk - even if it’s just around your home or office

  • Stretch your muscles every once in a while to help relieve muscle tension

Try this FREE seated yoga stretch! You don’t even have to leave your desk!

  • Don't cross your legs - not only is this bad for your posture, but it also makes it more challenging for blood to circulate to different areas of the body

  • Make sure that your feet touch the floor or use a footrest

  • Relax your shoulders pull your shoulders away from your ears

  • Make sure that your back is fully supported - use a back pillow or other back support

  • Make sure that your thighs and hips are supported - your thighs and hips should be parallel to the floor, and make sure your have a well-padded seat

How can I improve my posture when standing?

  • Stand up straight and tall - your middle and lower back should NOT be arched or curved/slouched over. To accomplish neutral alignment here, zip your ribcage and tuck in your pelvis.

  • Pay attention to your shoulders - they should be pushed back, down (away from your ears), and sit in the middle of their sockets.

  • Pull your stomach in

  • Put your weight mostly on the balls of your feet (the area where your toes attach to the foot)

  • Keep your head level - You can find your neutral neck position with the following steps: 1) Slowly move your head back and up as if you were pressing your neck against a wall. 2) Slowly move your chin forward as if you were moving your neck away from a wall. 3) Move between these two positions to find your most comfortable, neutral position.

  • Let your arms hang down naturally at your sides

  • Keep your feet about shoulder-width apart

As mentioned before, staying active is one of the best ways to improve and maintain good posture! But who wants to spend countless hours in the gym? Not me! That’s exactly why I created my One and Done workout program! CLICK HERE to watch a FREE video on how just 7 minutes a day can help you burn fat, achieve your fitness goals, improve your posture, and change your life!


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