The Ultimate Guide to Going Out & Staying on Track!

Okay, let’s be real here! Once you get committed and in the groove of a healthy lifestyle, IT IS AWESOME! You’re focused, doing what you gotta do, seeing results, losing weight, feeling great… then BOOM! Real life hits you. You get invited to celebrate a birthday or enjoy a night out with friends, and so on. It’s easy to stay on track in the comfort of your own home. So how do you navigate your new found healthy lifestyle with everything else going on and all the temptations that surround it!? Well guess what!? You can still enjoy your life and absolutely should!!! What’s the point of living a better life if you can’t enjoy it? It’s a balancing act. It doesn’t have to be black and white. You can have fun while still staying on track. What I want to share with you today is my Ultimate Guide to Going Out and Staying on Track!

Eating out

  • If you know where you are going, look at the menu ahead of time to see what healthy options are available to you. Avoid buffets!!!

  • Try sticking within the guidelines of clean eating: lean proteins, lean meats (chicken breast, turkey breast, salmon, mahi, snapper, etc), dark leafy greens, fruit as your sugar intake, unbleached grains (quinoa, brown rice, farro), healthy fats (avocado, eggs, nut butters), and eliminate added sugars, bleached starches, soda, alcohol, etc.

  • Ask for your meals to be prepared without added salt and butter. 

  • Ask to make a healthy swap, such as replacing fries or potatoes with a side salad (vinaigrette dressing or simply oil and vinegar) or steamed veggies. It’s always a good idea to start with a small salad!

  • If you order soup, make sure it has vegetable based stock instead of cream based. *Clam chowder is not a good option! Instead go for minestrone or vegetable.

  • Drink water before, during, and after your meal!! Drink a big glass of water before your plate reaches the table, ask for another one and continue taking sips during the meal. Don’t drink your calories! If you’re craving soda, try sparkling water with lemon, lime or other fruit.

  • Eat slowly! There’s no rush! Take your time and chew your food thoroughly. This helps you feel full more quickly and eat less. It takes about 20 minutes for your body and brain to communicate that you’re full.

  • Restaurant portions are almost ALWAYS too big. Don’t be afraid to ask for a to-go box! When your plate comes, separate the amount you should be eating and what you can take home.

  • Have a cup of non-caffeinated herbal tea instead of coffee or dessert. Or skip altogether.

Going out - movies, concert, bar, etc. 

Eat before you leave the house so that you’re not tempted to order something from the bar menu which is usually geared towards soaking up alcohol or has a lot of salt so you order more drinks. Also keep in mind, alcohol is an empty calorie and does not fit in the routine of wanting to lose weight, tone or tighten. Once you have reached your goal and are at a point of maintaining, you can allow yourself a drink during celebrations and events! If you have a drink during those times, be sure it is clear alcohol mixed with a club soda and that you drink at least two glasses of water per drink. Which brings me to my next tip when going out…

Drink lots of water!!! 1) Thirst is easily mistaken for hunger. 2) Water is a natural appetite suppressant. 3) Water increases calorie burning. 4) Water helps remove waste from the body. 5) Water is necessary to burn fat. 6) It’s important to stay hydrated!!!

Want something more FUN than water? Then get my FREE at burning mocktail recipe book! These fat burning elixirs are easy to make, delicious and will keep you on track! Get them HERE!

Get togethers, potlucks, bbq’s

Make and take one of my easy to share recipes for everyone to enjoy! That way you have a healthy option for yourself and you can avoid other tempting dishes (mayo packed potato salad, macaroni salad, fried foods). You can find lots of recipes within your program(s) or on Meredith’s YouTube channel! For more simple recipes everyone will love, check out my free Superfood Slow Cooker recipe book! Packed with tasty meals that take less than 10 minutes of prep work! Get all the recipes for FREE! Click HERE!


Plan ahead! Take what you can with you. Prep healthy snacks for along the way.

Non-perishable snacks: trail mix, whole fruit, dried fruit, nut butters. If flying you can bring a small lunchbox as your personal item! Remember to keep liquids under 3oz! I understand life happens, and sometimes you want to celebrate or let loose while on vacation. That’s why I made this FREE delicious dessert cheat sheet, full of mouthwatering sweets that are guilt free! 

Get all the fat melting desserts recipes for free! Click HERE!


Be vocal about the journey that you are going on for yourself. Some might not be on board at first or might not understand, but they’ll either come around and be supportive, or try to tempt you and sway your progress. If they tell you it’s “just another diet” or another ‘fad’ you got roped into, the best thing you can do in this scenario is SHOW THEM. Show them your willpower, show them the amazing changes you are making for YOU. It is okay to be selfish with your health and longevity! Remember your WHY for doing this in the first place! If you want, host a dinner at your home and make food that is from your plan. If they love it, you can say ‘I get to eat this ALL THE TIME on my plan!’



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